View of Mount Everest from Base Camp, Khumjung, Nepal | Martin Jernberg, unsplash.com
WELCOME: This is the debut podcast of Changing Climate Times, a free newsletter that curates and comments on the latest news and views on the climate crisis. We steer a course between the dire news and what to do. This first episode of our new podcast, hosted by Douglas John Imbrogno, actually picks up with Issue 19 of the newsletter, which launched November 2018.
ISSUE 19: Who you gonna trust on the climate crisis? How about a Sherpa who has ascended and descended Mount Everest 21 times? “Less snow and more rocks,” and “glaciers all over the mountain … melting,” he says. | And ‘tick-tick-tick’ is the sound of a pandemic time-bomb of tick-borne disease, fueled by a warming climate. | Plus, the Trump Administration considered as the world’s greatest climate threat (next to its partner in climate-crime, the fossil-fuel industrial complex.) | Subscribe at changingclimatetimes.substack.com. Follow on Twitter at @TimesClimate.
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